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Migoti Coffee 

Zombo Coffee est une entreprise de café de spécialité qui travaille avec de petits agriculteurs en Ouganda. Leur maison est sur les rives du Nil et borde la République Démocratique du Congo. 

Notre ambition avec Zombo Coffee Partners est de faire de la région du Nil occidental une origine de café de renommée mondiale.


Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage !

About Migoti Coffee

Migoti’s vision is to connect local coffee farmers with international buyers and roasters through quality coffee processing and transparent supply chains.


The washing station employs ten permanent employees, along with over two hundred and fifty seasonal workers, most of whom are women. They also reach out to farmers in order to provide education on the proper maintenance of coffee trees, which in turn contributes toward increase crop yields and quality.


Migoti facts and figures


Migoti Hill, Rubanda





Farming Altitude

1600 - 1900 m.a.s.l

Processing Methods

Washed, Natural, Honey-Processed

Average Farm Size

1 - 5 Acres

Harvest Times

March - June


Red Bourbon



Coffee Trees

1,000,000 +



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Migoti's history

In 2015, coffee as an agricultural product had been all but discarded in Burundi, due in large part to the 12 year civil war that lasted from 1993-2003, where farms were either neglected or destroyed. However, with the country settling back down into a time of tentative peace, local engineers Dan Brose and Pontien Ntunzwenimana saw an opportunity for their community to earn income by revisiting the abandoned export of coffee.


With Dan on the business end of things and Pontien constructing a new washing station, Migoti pulled off its first year of coffee production in 2016. Time has brought these efforts to fruition, and these days Migoti produce over 300 tons of coffee for export each year, providing a stable infrastructure for the entire community around them.

Meaningful relationships with farmers

Thomas is a farmer, husband, and Father to 15 (four girls, eleven boys).


He tends to 410 coffee trees that average about 35 years old. Some of his sons have followed in Thomas’ footsteps to own their own farms that also deliver to Migoti Coffee.

Thomas Kurumbone

Migoti Hill, Burundi

Elie is a farmer, Father to seven, and Grandfather to six.


His 21 year old son Juvenal Ndayikeza has taught himself a little English, and would one day like to go to university, though currently he works on the coffee estate.

Elie Barantanda
Juvenal Ndayikeza

Migoti Hill, Burundi


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