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Zombo Coffee Partners

Zombo Coffee est une entreprise de café de spécialité qui travaille avec de petits agriculteurs en Ouganda. Leur maison est sur les rives du Nil et borde la République Démocratique du Congo. 

Notre ambition avec Zombo Coffee Partners est de faire de la région du Nil occidental une origine de café de renommée mondiale.


Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage !

About Zombo Coffee Partners

Zombo Coffee Partners are a hybrid of a private company, cooperative, milling station, NGO and exporter. They are focused on forming close relationships with smallholder farmers across the West Nile Region. Their guiding principles are to pay a fair price to farmers ensuring a sustainable livelihood. Sharing any profits with farmers every year as well as offering shares in their business to the farming groups that they work with.


This unique approach ensures that farmers are included in any decisions about the coffee they produce and ultimately see benefit from the proceeds of international sales of their coffees.


Our Partner Micro Stations



For many years, a separate registered cooperative society had stopped trading the coffee of its members. In 2017, those farmers broke away and teamed up with Zombo’s development partner (AFCE) and constructed a new micro station within the boundaries of Zombo Town. The specialist equipment and materials for this project came from Oxfam, matched by farmer contributions of land and time.



In 2015, Oxfam Uganda and Twin UK partnered up to produce a micro-station in 2 months, which enabled them to produce a small volume of high-quality coffee. They sold this high scoring coffee to Atlas Coffee Importers in Seattle, as well as additional coffee sourced from Leda and Pamitu micro stations.



Gonyobendo was created by the Nile Highland Arabica Coffee Farmers Association initially, supplied with just a pulper by USAID. They started by supplying a single multinational exporter. In 2018, Gonyobendo began working with Zombo Coffee Partners to improve the reach of its members coffee.


Sustainable farming with transparent pricing.

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Zombo Timeline

The Zombo
Micro Station Model

Zombo offers a personal touch, working with 8 coffee micro stations where the farmers build, own, operate and supply cherry to them. Building this miniature central coffee washing station is well within the means of a small group of farmers to construct and manage, with a minimum amount of external support required.


The purpose of this initiative is to give smallholders ownership over increasing quality, consistency ultimately increasing selling price of their coffee. This will then maximise their income and let them participate meaningfully in the coffee value chain.

The Micro Station Principles

Small Scale

Specialty coffee production at the level of the village group of between 50 and 250 farmers.


The members organise and contribute the resources to build the microstation framework (drying shed and tables, quality table, coffee store) themselves.

Equal farmer contribution

Each farmer makes a roughly equal contribution to the micro station by land, labour, construction, materials or cash.


Members appoint a manager and operate the micro station themselves with voluntary or paid labour, most often a combination of both.

Increased farmer profitability

Micro stations produce taste profiles which are sold at premium prices that give farmers a better income for the coffee their smallholding produces. Cherry is bought from the farmers at above local market prices.

Equitable loans

The company provides the micro station management with an interest-free investment loan in the form of production equipment and materials, as well as interest-free crop and operational pre-finance.

Financial empowerment

Micro stations have the option to invest in the ZCP company on behalf of their members (target is 49% farmer-ownership by 2028).

Reward for quality

50% of all cup score premiums received for each microlot sold goes back direct to the individual farmer – cash in hand and according to their relative volume contribution – as additional income to the cherry price payment.

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Review the 2020 Zombo Annual Report

A beautiful report highlighting Zombo's business impact and attained goals throughout 2020.

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The little green bean bag

Want to try some of our partners' fantastic coffees?
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